Blueridge guitars
Blueridge guitars
Not sure if I am in the right section here but does anyone know of any shops or stockists of 'Blueridge' acoustic guitars?
One of the problems of living in the countryside is that you cannot easily try new musical equipment etc without travelling large distances.
I know you can search the internet for reviews and the like but there is no substitute for sitting down and physically trying the equipment that you are interested in.
One of the problems of living in the countryside is that you cannot easily try new musical equipment etc without travelling large distances.
I know you can search the internet for reviews and the like but there is no substitute for sitting down and physically trying the equipment that you are interested in.
I've heard some really good things about these guitars myself and would love to try one out. I know that there are dealers in the UK, but I don't know about France.
Dernière modification par Joseph le dim. déc. 11, 2016 12:09 am, modifié 1 fois.
I had an appointment today on Rue de Douai in Paris & took the opportunity to check out a bunch of the guitar stores there. California Music is a Blueridge dealer! They don't have a lot of floor space so they mostly stock expensive instruments, but they had a brand new Blueridge BG-40. This is a mahogany slope shoulder J-45 copy basically with laminate mahogany back/sides and solid spruce top. I played it and was quite impressed with the sound. I really don't think you could find a better bluegrass guitar in France for 494 €uros. The only negative for me was the 1 11/16 inch low oval neck... I have a 1 11/16 inch neck on my D-28 Clarence White, but the modified v seems to make it a little more beefy. I'm kind of tempted to get one of these myself as a beater guitar. The man at the store was real nice and showed me the catalog of all the Blueridge guitars. He can order any model you'd want.
I've got some new information on Blueridge Guitars. There is a store north of Paris in Lachapelle Saint Pierre that stocks a nice variety of models.
here is a link to their website: ... =BLUERIDGE
Since I last posted this information, I found out about Music Leader International which consists of 110 stores all over France & they carry Blueridge guitars now. ... /index.php
just go to that link and click on "Trouvez un Magasin" to find a local store in your area. I recommended Blueridge to a friend at work that wants to learn guitar and he bought a BR160 locally in a store near Paris for over 200€ less than the price listed on the site, so prices aren't set in stone & it's always better to try a guitar before you buy anyway.
here is a link to their website: ... =BLUERIDGE
Since I last posted this information, I found out about Music Leader International which consists of 110 stores all over France & they carry Blueridge guitars now. ... /index.php
just go to that link and click on "Trouvez un Magasin" to find a local store in your area. I recommended Blueridge to a friend at work that wants to learn guitar and he bought a BR160 locally in a store near Paris for over 200€ less than the price listed on the site, so prices aren't set in stone & it's always better to try a guitar before you buy anyway.
Dernière modification par Joseph le dim. déc. 11, 2016 12:10 am, modifié 1 fois.
Re: Blueridge guitars
Not sure if I am in the right section here but does anyone know of any shops or stockists of 'Blueridge' acoustic guitars?
One of the problems of living in the countryside is that you cannot easily try new musical equipment etc without travelling large distances.
One of the problems of living in the countryside is that you cannot easily try new musical equipment etc without travelling large distances.